Meet Our Bold Story Press Authors

Brooks Almy - An Accidental Pirate: The Possibly True Adventures of Fanny Campbell

Brooks Almy - An Accidental Pirate: The Possibly True Adventures of Fanny Campbell

Jen Berlingo - Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner Fire

Jen Berlingo - Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner Fire

Lucienne S. Bloch - Whistling in the Dark: Personal Essays

Lucienne S. Bloch - Whistling in the Dark: Personal Essays

E. Brooke Carroll - Governing Small Schools: Strategies for Boards

E. Brooke Carroll - Governing Small Schools: Strategies for Boards

Rabbi Margie Cella - Hindsight Is 2020: Torah Lessons from a Turbulent Time

Rabbi Margie Cella - Hindsight Is 2020: Torah Lessons from a Turbulent Time

Julie Colombino - From Death to Dollars

Julie Colombino - From Death to Dollars

Virginia (Ginnie) Cover - Supplemental Needs: A Novel

Virginia (Ginnie) Cover - Supplemental Needs: A Novel

Jennifer A. Douglas - A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time

Jennifer A. Douglas - A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time

Z. Colette Edwards - Navigating Your Healthcare Journey

Z. Colette Edwards - Navigating Your Healthcare Journey

Kay Enokido - Phantom Paradise

Kay Enokido - Phantom Paradise

Beth Fisher-Yoshida - New Story, New Power: A Woman's Guide to Negotiation

Beth Fisher-Yoshida - New Story, New Power: A Woman's Guide to Negotiation

Lauri Fitz-Pegado - Dancing in the Dash: My Story of Empowerment, Diplomacy, and Resilience

Lauri Fitz-Pegado - Dancing in the Dash: My Story of Empowerment, Diplomacy, and Resilience

Rochelle Finzel - The Run of my Life: A Memoir of Healing

Rochelle Finzel - The Run of my Life: A Memoir of Healing

Karen Foster - Reasons for Waking

Karen Foster - Reasons for Waking

Amal Ghandour - This Arab Life: A Generation’s Journey into Silence

Amal Ghandour - This Arab Life: A Generation’s Journey into Silence

Erica Ginsberg - Creative Resilience: Reclaiming Your Power as an Artist

Erica Ginsberg - Creative Resilience: Reclaiming Your Power as an Artist

Susan Goff - The Desert Shall Rejoice and Blossom

Susan Goff - The Desert Shall Rejoice and Blossom

Jenny Guberman - Chattahoochee Cats

Jenny Guberman - Chattahoochee Cats

Eileen Haas - Along Came a Stroke: My Story of Survival and Recovery

Eileen Haas - Along Came a Stroke: My Story of Survival and Recovery

Catherine Hand - Becoming a Warrior: My Journey to Bring A Wrinkle in Time to the Screen

Catherine Hand - Becoming a Warrior: My Journey to Bring A Wrinkle in Time to the Screen

Rana Hanna - Birds in the Rain

Rana Hanna - Birds in the Rain

Luisa Coll-Pardo Heymann - Get a Move On! Mini-Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

Luisa Coll-Pardo Heymann - Get a Move On! Mini-Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

Clara E. Hill - In My Dream

Clara E. Hill - In My Dream

Victress Hitchcock - A Tree With My Name On It

Victress Hitchcock - A Tree With My Name On It

Angela Hoy - Children Born of Wildfire

Angela Hoy - Children Born of Wildfire

Lisa Johnson - Ducks Run, Horses Fly

Lisa Johnson - Ducks Run, Horses Fly

Melissa Kaplan - The Girl Who Tried to Change the World

Melissa Kaplan - The Girl Who Tried to Change the World

Christine Fallert Kessides - Magda, Standing

Christine Fallert Kessides - Magda, Standing

Aruna M. Lepore - Peanut the Penguin

Aruna M. Lepore - Peanut the Penguin

Patty Mechael - The Antidotes: Pollution Solution

Patty Mechael - The Antidotes: Pollution Solution

Annette Naber - Seasons of a Wild Life

Annette Naber - Seasons of a Wild Life

Mary Nestor - Bus #7

Mary Nestor - Bus #7

Diane Papalia Zappa - The Married Widow: My Journey with Bob Zappa

Diane Papalia Zappa - The Married Widow: My Journey with Bob Zappa

Jean Peelen - Feisty: A Memoir in Little Pieces

Jean Peelen - Feisty: A Memoir in Little Pieces

Susan Smocer Platt - Love, Politics, and Other Scary Things

Susan Smocer Platt - Love, Politics, and Other Scary Things

Leah Rampy - Earth & Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos

Leah Rampy - Earth & Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos

Sam Roel - The Unfolding of Time

Sam Roel - The Unfolding of Time

Charlene Rothkopf -  Navigating Your Healthcare Journey

Charlene Rothkopf - Navigating Your Healthcare Journey

Barbara Seeber - The Empresario’s Wife

Barbara Seeber - The Empresario’s Wife

Vailes Shepperd - A Good Ending for Bad Memories

Vailes Shepperd - A Good Ending for Bad Memories

Janet Taliaferro - Sign Language

Janet Taliaferro - Sign Language

Ariane Torres - We Are the Kings

Ariane Torres - We Are the Kings

Gayle Young - 17 Centuries Later

Gayle Young - 17 Centuries Later