The Hero’s Journey and the Cringe-Worthy Typo That Almost Ended My Career

So many of the great stories—novels, movies, or real life—follow a classic pattern.

A hero starts out flawed.
They face a challenge, fail spectacularly, and are forced to grow in ways they never expected.
Only then do they change the direction of their story.

This structure, known as the hero’s journey, is the foundation of some of the most beloved stories of all time.

  • Harry Potter was an ordinary boy living under the stairs—until he was thrust into a world where he had to grow into the wizard who would save it.

  • Elizabeth Bennet was too proud; Mr. Darcy was too prejudiced—until they both learned to change.

  • Luke Skywalker was a farm boy who had no idea what he was capable of—until he was forced to step into his destiny.

The hero never starts out strong, perfect, or even prepared. They begin their journey flawed, naive, and often afraid. They fail. They suffer. But it’s through that painful process of failing and learning that they transform into something greater.

Why do we love these stories so much? Because deep down, we recognize them. They are our stories, too.

But growth isn’t just for fictional heroes. Like every hero, I had my own moment of unforgettable failure—mine just involved a spelling mistake that nearly ended my career before it began.

The Typo That Nearly Ended My Career

Fresh out of school, I landed my first job as an editorial assistant to the English editor at a large NYC textbook publishing house. It should have been a dream job—except for one small problem.

Somehow, I had managed to sleep through grammar and punctuation in sixth grade.

One day, my editor asked me to send a letter out—over her name—to English professors. I typed it up, signed her name, dropped the letters in the mailbox, and felt a wave of accomplishment.

Then she read the letter.

In it I had written “alot” instead of “a lot.”

She was horrified. I was mortified. And the English profs? Well, let’s just say they didn’t let it slide.

I wanted to crawl under my desk and disappear. I was sure I had ruined my career before it even began.

But she didn’t fire me, and I didn’t quit. I learned. I became obsessed with improving my grammar. And I got better.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was just in the early chapters of my own hero’s journey.

It was many years before I finally understood something I wish I knew as that young red-faced assistant:

Failure Isn’t the Opposite of Success—It’s the Path to It

The struggles heroes face in their journeys aren’t just storytelling devices —in real life, they’re how we grow. If you feel like you’re struggling and making mistakes, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It may mean you are in the middle of your own transformation.

The hero’s struggles didn’t disqualify her from greatness. They were necessary for it.

The best stories aren’t about people who had it all figured out. The best stories are about people who learned, failed, and kept going.

What if the part of your story you are most afraid to share is the part someone else needs to hear?

 Your journey—failures, lessons, and all—has the power to inspire. The world doesn’t need perfect stories; it needs real ones. If you’ve ever thought about writing yours, don’t wait. Write it. Share it. And if you're ready to publish, let’s talk.

I’d love to help bring your story into the world. Reach out to me at to take the next step!


Just Write It


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